Numeralele ordinale in engleza - Invata limba engleza gratis, fara profesor pe net.

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Numeralele ordinale in engleza

Numeralul ordinal in limba engleza este alcătuit prin adaugarea sufixului "-th" la numeralul cardinal:

       the 1st / first = primul
       the 2nd / second = al doilea
       the 3rd / third = al treilea
       the 4th / fourth = al patrulea
       the 5th / fifth = al cincilea
       the 6th sixth = al saselea
       the 7th / seventh = al saptelea
       the 8th / eighth = al optulea
       the 9th / nineth = al noualea
       the 10th / tenth = al zecelea
       the 11th / eleventh = al unsprezecelea
       the 12th / twelfth = al doisprezecelea
       the 13th / thirteenth = al treisprezecelea
       the 14th / fourteenth = al patrusprezecelea
       the 15th / fifteenth = al cincisprezecelea
       the 16th / sixteenth = al saisprezecelea
       the 17th / seventeenth = al saptesprezecelea
       the 18th / eighteenth = al optusprezecelea
       the 19th / nineteenth = al nouasprezecelea
       the 20th / twentieth = al douazecilea
       the 21st / twenty-first = al douazecilea
       the 22nd / twenty-second = al douazecisiunulea
       the 23rd / twenty-third = al douazecisidoilea
       the 24th / twenty-fourth = al douazecisipatrulea
       the 30th / thirtieth = al treizecilea
       the 50th / fiftieth = al cincizecilea
       the 100th / hundredth = al o sutalea

Următoarele sunt exceptii:
  1) one -> first (1st)
  2) two -> second (2nd)
  3) three -> third (3rd)
  4) la five si nine, dispare "e"-ul final -> fifth (5th) si ninth (9th)
  5) in cazul zecilor, "-y"-ul final se transforma in "-ie": forty -> fortieth (40th)


1. In engleza, numeralul ordinal se foloseste si la exprimarea datei:

    May 15th
    the 15th of May

2. In cazul numeralul ordinal in engleza, cand formam un numar compus,  numai ultimul numar primeste "th":

    37: the thirty-seventh
    456: the four hundred and fifty-sixth

3. In exprimarea datei, numeralul ordinal in engleza poate fi asezat inainte sau dupa numele lunii. 


     - Daca numeralul ordinal precede denumirea lunii, acesta este urmat de of:

       I was born on the 15th of May 1988.

     - Daca numeralul ordinal este asezat dupa denumirea lunii, of este omis:
       I was born on May (the) 15th.



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