Conjugarea verbelor in engleza - Invata limba engleza gratis, fara profesor pe net.

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   Limba engleza ->  Gramatica engleza ->  Verbele in engleza

   >>>  Conjugarea verbelor in engleza

Conjugarea verbelor in engleza - forma afirmativa


Conjugarea verbelor : Exemplu:  "TO GO" – A MERGE

Conjugarea verbelor in engleza : Present Simple ("to go" - a merge)       
                    I go                      We go  
                    You go                 You go
                    He/she/it goes       They go    

       ("he goes" e o exceptie. De regula se adauga "s" la persoana III sg.:  He knows ... )


Conjugarea verbelor in engleza : Present Continuous ("to go" - a merge)

                    I was going                We were going

                    You were going         You were going

                    He/she/it was going    They were going

Conjugarea verbelor in engleza : Past Tense Simple ("to go" - a merge)
                    I went                   We went
                    You went              You went
                    He/she/it went        They went

Conjugarea verbelor in engleza : Past Tense Continuous ("to go" - a merge)

                    I was going                  We were going

                    You were going           You were going

                    He/she/it was going      They were going

Conjugarea verbelor in engleza : Present Perfect Simple ("to go" - a merge)
                    I have gone                 We have gone
                    You have gone            You have gone
                    He/she/it has gone       He/she/it has gone  

Conjugarea verbelor in engleza : Present Perfect Continuous ("to go" - a merge)

                    I have been going              We have been going

                    You have been going         You have been going

                    He/she/it has been going    They have been going

Conjugarea verbelor in engleza : Past Perfect Simple ("to go" - a merge)
                    I had gone                   We had gone
                    You had gone              You had gone
                    He/she/it had gone       They had gone

Conjugarea verbelor in engleza : Past Perfect Continuous ("to go" - a merge)

                    I had been going                  We had been going

                    You had been going             You had been going

                    He/she/it had been going       They had been going

Conjugarea verbelor in engleza : Future Tense Simple ("to go" - a merge)
                    I will go                         We will go
                    You will go                    You will go
                    He/she/it will go             They will go

Conjugarea verbelor in engleza : Future Tense Continuous ("to go" - a merge)

                    I will be going                   We will be going

                    You will be going              You will be going

                    He/she/it will be going       They will be going

Conjugarea verbelor in engleza : Future Perfect Simple ("to go" - a merge)
                    I will have gone                 We will have gone
                    You will have gone            You will have gone
                    He/she/it will have gone     They will have gone

Conjugarea verbelor in engleza : Future Perfect Continuous ("to go" - a merge)
                    I will have been going                       We will have been going
                    You will have been going                  You will have been going
                    He/she/it will have been going            They will have been going

Conjugarea verbelor in engleza : Future-in-the-Past ("to go" - a merge)
                    I would go                   We would go
                    You would go              You would go
                    He/she/it would go       They would go

Conjugarea verbelor in engleza : Simple Future-in-the-Past Continuous ("to go" - a merge)

                    I would be going                   We would be going

                    You would be going              You would be going

                    He/she/it would be going        They would be going


   Limba engleza ->  Gramatica engleza ->  Verbele in engleza

   >>>  Conjugarea verbelor in engleza  

Gramatica engleza

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