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   >>>  Verbele fara forma continua in engleza

Verbele fara forma continua in engleza

Verbele fara forma continua in engleza sunt:


1. Verbele de perceptieto feel, to hear, to notice, to see, to smell, to taste

 exemplu:  I see a nice flower (Vad o floare frumoasa).



- Daca actiunea este una voluntara (constienta) se poate folosi aspectul continuu:
What are you seeing ? (se presupune ca persoana vrea sa vada ceva)

- Se poate folosi forma continua si daca sensul verbului nu mai este cel de baza:
I am seeing my dentist on Friday. (sensul nu mai e de a vedea ci de a fi consultat, de a se duce la)


2. Verbe care exprima posesia : to posses, to owe, to belong to, to own, to keep, to hold

exemplu: I keep it for me (O pastrez pentru mine).


3. verbele modale: can, may, must, ought to

exemplu: I must go there. (Trebuie sa ma duc acolo.)


4. Verbe care exprima sentimente, atitudini, trairi emotionale: to love, to like, to dislike, to detest, to prefer, to abhor, to adore, to hate

exemplu: I like your car. (Imi place masina ta.)


5. Verbe care exprima dorinta: to wish, to want, to intend, to desire

exemplu: I want to go there. (Vreau sa ma duc acolo.)


6. Verbele care exprima activitati mentale: to agree, to believe, to distrust, to imagine, to doubt, to remember, to understand, to suppose, to recognize, to forget, to think, to mean

In cazul in care se foloseste forma continua apare o modificare de sens:
I am thinking. (nu se spune si ce gandesc.)


7. Alte verbe care nu pot avea forma continua: to expect, to suffice, to differ, to appear, to contain, to deserve

Exemplu: That idea appears to be interesting.




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